Resolving Your Soul Struggle

By Janet Baylis Gassman

“Resolving Your Soul Struggle” describes 12 common Soul Struggles and helps the reader identify their core struggle. It then walks through each struggle with stories from Janet’s life experience and biblical characters, then brings the reader to resolution.

Chapters Include:

  • Destiny
  • Identity: Who Am I? Who Is God? How Does Life Work?
  • What’s In The Way Of A Deeper Relationship With God
  • Trust
  • Fear/Anxiety (My Own Cancer Story)
  • Depression (My Own 4 Year Battle)
  • Anger
  • Obedience
  • Self-Life: What Does It Look Like?
  • Grief: A Deeper Trust
  • Loving People: Finding Your Calling
  • Loving God: How Do We Really Love God?

The book is available through or by contacting Janet directly.

Janet Gassman Resolving Your Soul Struggle

A Still, Small Voice

“Resolving Your Soul Struggle” was birthed out of Janet’s speaking engagements. Attendees began asking: “Do you have a book? We need one.”

Initially Janet intended to create about a 20 page booklet to be distributed at her meetings. However, as she began to write, a still, small voice kept whispering: “This isn’t enough. They need more.” This began a ten year process of going deeper and including additional tools and helps for each of the twelve struggles.

Impact Story: Mission to Africa

As the manuscript neared publication, Pastor Victor Seraya, a friend and Congo citizen – having escaped during persecution and currently pastor of New Season Church established for the African community – asked to read the manuscript. After completion, he sat across her at a table and looked directly at her and said: “Janet, this is what Africa needs! Will you come to Africa and teach this?” Her answer was immediately “Yes!”

Janet had the privilege of traveling to Africa in both 2018 and 2019. Teaching leaders how to care for their people and walk them through the struggles of daily life in an environment of poverty brought a new perspective and insights to her teaching. It also altered the way in which she now looks at her world.

Janet Gassman Mission to Africa
Soul Struggle Book

Resolving Your Soul Struggle

Read the impact of Janet's words on others, then buy the book for yourself.

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